Source code for cookiecutter.repository

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Cookiecutter repository functions."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import re

from .exceptions import RepositoryNotFound
from .vcs import clone
from .zipfile import unzip

REPO_REGEX = re.compile(r"""
((((git|hg)\+)?(git|ssh|https?):(//)?)  # something like git:// ssh:// etc.
 |                                      # or
 (\w+@[\w\.]+)                          # something like user@...

[docs]def is_repo_url(value): """Return True if value is a repository URL.""" return bool(REPO_REGEX.match(value))
[docs]def is_zip_file(value): """Return True if value is a zip file.""" return value.lower().endswith('.zip')
[docs]def expand_abbreviations(template, abbreviations): """Expand abbreviations in a template name. :param template: The project template name. :param abbreviations: Abbreviation definitions. """ if template in abbreviations: return abbreviations[template] # Split on colon. If there is no colon, rest will be empty # and prefix will be the whole template prefix, sep, rest = template.partition(':') if prefix in abbreviations: return abbreviations[prefix].format(rest) return template
[docs]def repository_has_cookiecutter_json(repo_directory): """Determine if `repo_directory` contains a `cookiecutter.json` file. :param repo_directory: The candidate repository directory. :return: True if the `repo_directory` is valid, else False. """ repo_directory_exists = os.path.isdir(repo_directory) repo_config_exists = os.path.isfile( os.path.join(repo_directory, 'cookiecutter.json') ) return repo_directory_exists and repo_config_exists
[docs]def determine_repo_dir(template, abbreviations, clone_to_dir, checkout, no_input, password=None): """ Locate the repository directory from a template reference. Applies repository abbreviations to the template reference. If the template refers to a repository URL, clone it. If the template is a path to a local repository, use it. :param template: A directory containing a project template directory, or a URL to a git repository. :param abbreviations: A dictionary of repository abbreviation definitions. :param clone_to_dir: The directory to clone the repository into. :param checkout: The branch, tag or commit ID to checkout after clone. :param no_input: Prompt the user at command line for manual configuration? :param password: The password to use when extracting the repository. :return: A tuple containing the cookiecutter template directory, and a boolean descriving whether that directory should be cleaned up after the template has been instantiated. :raises: `RepositoryNotFound` if a repository directory could not be found. """ template = expand_abbreviations(template, abbreviations) if is_zip_file(template): unzipped_dir = unzip( zip_uri=template, is_url=is_repo_url(template), clone_to_dir=clone_to_dir, no_input=no_input, password=password ) repository_candidates = [unzipped_dir] cleanup = True elif is_repo_url(template): cloned_repo = clone( repo_url=template, checkout=checkout, clone_to_dir=clone_to_dir, no_input=no_input, ) repository_candidates = [cloned_repo] cleanup = False else: repository_candidates = [ template, os.path.join(clone_to_dir, template) ] cleanup = False for repo_candidate in repository_candidates: if repository_has_cookiecutter_json(repo_candidate): return repo_candidate, cleanup raise RepositoryNotFound( 'A valid repository for "{}" could not be found in the following ' 'locations:\n{}'.format( template, '\n'.join(repository_candidates) ) )