Human readable prompts

You can add human-readable prompts that will be shown to the user for each variable using the __prompts__ key:

    "package_name": "my-package",
    "module_name": "{{ cookiecutter.package_name.replace('-', '_') }}",
    "package_name_stylized": "{{ cookiecutter.module_name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize() }}",
    "short_description": "A nice python package",
    "github_username": "your-org-or-username",
    "full_name": "Firstname Lastname",
    "email": "",
    "command_line_interface": ["yes", "no"],
    "init_git": ["yes", "no"],
    "enable_pre_commit": ["yes", "no"],
    "documentation_website": ["yes", "no"],
    "black_formatting": ["yes", "no"],
    "__prompts__": {
        "package_name": "Select your package name:",
        "module_name": "Select your module name:",
        "package_name_stylized": "Stylized package name:",
        "short_description": "Short description:",
        "github_username": "GitHub username or organization:",
        "full_name": "Author full name:",
        "email": "Author email:",
        "command_line_interface": "Add CLI:",
        "init_git": "Initialize a git repository:",
        "enable_pre_commit": "Enable pre-commit:",
        "documentation_website": "Add a documentation website:",
        "black_formatting": "Enable black formatting:"